
Aug 31, 2008 14:14

Kelly Green is a super place to work. I love my new job, however today is so boring. This holiday weekend doesn't exactly exude the need for "green" shopping. So I shall sit here and write and ramble and stare.

Los Angeles does not allow for a certain amount of creative flow that is needed in every human being. The weather is perfect. The scenery is amazing. There is loads of smog. This town is very predictable. I like random-ness. When things change suddenly or when you are not able to assume anything... there is something comforting about it. I like the idea of being able to wake up and not know what its going to be like outside. I enjoy going out and meeting all sorts of different types of people...not just your typical want-to-be-in-the-industry type. I love the beach. However, in order to get to the beach it takes at least 30 minutes but usually it is a longer trip sitting in traffic while you watch the disgusting air create itself. Fucking bike places people...geez.

I want a composter. Learning so much about how our environment is suffering in so many ways makes me want to spend alot of money (which totally goes against the idea of "consume less") to make sure I am doing everything in an eco-friendly way. Which sounds so cliche these days, but how am I supposed to go on living day-to-day know that everytime I throw something in the trash it is just going into a landfill to eventually emit greenhouse gases that are absolutely destroying the world as we know it (and need it to be!). I like polar bears

Yes, I had a conversation with Jared Leto yesterday... that is all on that subject

Chicago and I have a very strong love hate relationship right now. I miss the city and the people in greatly, however I hate Chicago for being such an amazing place with such horrific weather. I think God created Chicago and got a really great laugh out of it. If there is one thing that I have learned over the past few years is that my God has an enormously wonderful sense of humor.

Whomever (is that grammatically correct?) gave the nickname "crackberry" to blackberrys is a very clever little person. I look at mine too much, I go on the internet, I can check the top ten headline news articles on NPR with a touch of one scrolling button, I can play brickbreaker and score outrageous total points over the course of a few hours (currently at 25,950), I can check my email. It's too much really. Now if I could just find the bright orange cover for it then I would be supremely happy.

Anyone bored yet? sweet... let's continue

the shrimp in the ecosphere's are dying and it makes me really sad. they just cant handle the heat in here. check this out please if you don't know what I am speaking of

there is currently a scavenger hunt going on just up the road that I really wanted to be a part of. one of the challenges is that everyone on the team has to get cornrows except for one team member that has to get a flatop with their name shaved into the back of their head. How fucking cool is that? I've wanted cornrows for ages!

That is all for now. I should be doing something worthwhile like reading. Fast Food Nation is my book of choice right now. I recommend it highly if you have not already engrossed yourself in its wealth of info.

My last words for the day... will everyone reading this please start using reusable bags when you go to the grocery store, mall, best buy, or wherever it is that you purchase things. I am as guilty as anyone but it is such an easy habit to get into. Just buy a couple (only a dollar at whole foods and inexpensive everywhere else) and stick them in your car or bicycle or maybe even shove them up your ass if you are one of those walking types (go you! :) The planet and me, personally, will thank you

good day to all
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