Jan 16, 2009 10:21
Okay, so staci totally needs to chillax. What if one picture of her is seen that isn't perfect? Its not like I would try to ruin her life or humiliate her without it being all in good fun.
Here's the deal-
I had taken some pictures and some included her and her family. Technically they were MY pictures, to do with what I pleased. I didn't have to ask her anything or give her anything.
She had asked me to email them to her, but when I sat down to do so, I had a moment and couldn't remember the address she had given me. Well, what I thought was the best alternative was putting them on the family website. So I sent her a txt to tell her so she could get them from there if she wanted them for some purpose
M: The pics are on the family website.
S. Not what I told you to do!
M: Sorry, I had a blonde moment and forgot the address okay?! :) You can just save if from the album.
S: What if I didn't want them on the family website?
M: Why not? I photoshopped ten pounds off and everything! :)
S: I would just like to put on my own pictures or at least preview them first.
M: Sorry my bad
S; Its okay you didn't know
I thought I handled that quite well instead of what I wanted to say... You have no right to ask for MY pictures, and add them to the website as your OWN. That is a form of plagerism ya know. Who cares if you don't look perfect. You need to come to grips with the fact that there are things you can't do perfectly and there are times when you don't look your best. GET OVER IT!!
I probably just overreacted, but after the stunt she pulled at my birthday, I'm really kinda fed up with her. She is such a hypocrite! So she can humilate the living daylights out of me, but I can't post a few pictures? I take my photography seriously, and I wouldn't put crappy pictures up.