Nov 18, 2005 01:50
have you ever thought if you could go back and tell one person somthing that would completely change their life forever, would you? i find myself wondering if i could go back and tell jesi what would happen with jason if i would tell her. everything happens for a reason and i do not know if i could go back and tell her what would happen because what would change? what if i could and jason was totally fine nad perfect....would that be better or worse? would i have the right to tell her and change what was meant to happen?
i know its not possible but what would happen if you could go back and change one thing like that?
i just read an entry on jesi's diary and it was when she first found out she was pregnant....if i could go back to that day and just say "no matter WHAT when you go to the hospital make them do a c-section FORCE THEM to" but would that life be better? would it be worse?
what would happen if for very decision in your life you made the other choice than you have....for instance instead of yelling at a friend you just dropped many things could could still be friends because it was dropped, you could not be friends because it all just boiled up and exploded, every decision you make in life whether it is turning on a light or hitting the backspace button or crashing a car, every single thing that we do and decide changed your life FOREVER.
you pick up a pen on the floor of a bank and put it on the table and a guy grabs it and you start talking and you end up marrying him a few years later after a long relationship. if you would have just passed that pen and left it on the floor would you have ever met him? would you meet him another way? would you meet someone else?
our lives hinge on these little choices we make without so much as giving them a second thought. its weird to think about, you could do somthing as simple as tap your fingers on your desk and your life will take a totally completely different path then if you were to tap them on the desk 2 seconds later....
my life and yours will be forever changed and completly different after this weird is that?