A quick thank you

May 20, 2010 03:16

I was working really hard towards getting to sleep (which is not a small feat for me) and three things happened. I realized I hadn't done this, which I decided getting up to do would wreck my near-sleep-ness, and was going to put off for tomorrow. Then, I realized my tiny bladder had filled up again, since the last time I wrecked my near-sleep-ness to pee not half an hour before. Finally, my computer, which was in sleep mode, started making these noises that it usually does not make when it is asleep, processor noises.

I deal with rampant paranoia, and computer noises is enough to make my heart race when I am trying to go to sleep. So I got up to pee, messed with the thermostat so I wouldn't also be too hot to sleep, and messed with my computer.

You don't need to know any of that, just wanted to say that I did intend to get to this last night, and got distracted, but that I wasn't blowing you (whoever you are) off. And when I DID remember, I made sure not to forget.

Anyway, thank you to the anonymous person who gifted me with six months of LJ time. It was incredibly sweet of you! I am very appreciative!

Now, off to try to get to sleep. :)

i really should be sleeping, real life, thank you post

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