Mar 12, 2008 15:10
I is a woman now. XD. No, kidding. I had my appointment yesterday. I'm really not sure why people talk about pap smears like they are devil spawn. It wasn't comfortable, no, but it wasn't painful either. Anyway, my gyno said that the problem I'm having just happens to women sometimes and that there isn't always an underlying cause. So she put me on birth control pills. She knew that I'd never taken them before, but she didn't really bother to explain how it works, so I read ALL the literature that came with the packs. Still, I'm a little confused. Ah well. Once I start I guess it will make more sense. After my friends' little escapade where her mother was having her prescriptions filled as the 'non-contraceptive kind' (which I didn't even know existed until she mentioned it last week!) I'm glad I can have them filled by myself. Although my mother probably doesn't know they exist, but still. At any rate if any of you are on HBC and can fill me in on the basics I'd love that. Just thought I'd let you all know about how the doctor's appointment went. Hopefully that will take care of it and I won't keep having these problems.
I'm off to Houston to get some books so I can use my Spring Break to be productive on my paper.
And tomorrow I'm leaving for Georgia! So if my online presence is more sketchy than normal, that's why.
real life,