Wow has it been a long time since I've done one of these. Mostly because there hasn't been much to report.
But, April had writing in it!
Total new words in April (all short fiction): 3683 words
Not bad! (That's most of "Observer Effect"/Uplink and all of "Bridesmaid From Heck", in case future-me wants to know.) Both were written to market deadlines, both of which I made.
No queries last month, but 3 short story submissions. Also not bad!
Mind you, I'd feel better about all this if I hadn't completed those stories, hit the end of the month, and promptly dropped writing like it'd bit me. I meant to keep going, but somehow here it is the middle of May and I've written a grand total of zip so far. Still, there's half a month left. And the querying's been happening, so that's something.
This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.