4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like).
Not to sound arrogant, but I frequently squee delightedly over bits of my writing. However, those bits often only work in context; the squeeworthiness is in how they convey an aspect of characterization that's been built up to, or how well they dovetail into something mentioned six chapters ago or going to be mentioned six chapters from now. However, I happened across this recently:
...scrambling along with her fellow crewmen to get the ship moving faster, faster, faster before the bow-wave of the explosion reached them. Shouted orders came down from the control center, and the crew flicked switches that shouldn't be flicked, red lights springing up on the consoles in predator-eye pinpoints under the crimson emergency lighting.
"Predator-eye pinpoints" is one of those phrases I'm sorry I only get to use once. It's just so right for the little dots of warning lights as the ship is pushed toward overload, and it being predator eyes adds a lovely hint of menace.
This entry was originally posted at
https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/231925.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.