Santosha Single Origin Peru (85%)
Made with raw cacao beans & coconut palm sugar, no other ingredients.
Where bought: Foods For Living
Package was hard to get into. I'm sure that heavy-duty foil seals in the goodness, but it's between me and my chocolate!
Aroma: Sharp, tangy
Texture: Very hard, crumbles when crunched. A very fine grittiness when it melts.
Taste: Sour at first, and rather dry. There's a compelling intensity of chocolatey-ness in the background; could eat quite a bit more pursuing that, but can't entirely say I would enjoy the process. Aftertaste is dusty-dry, almost cake-like, with a slight puckering of the tongue.
Overall: Interesting to try, but not something I need to get again. I think I prefer my cacao roasted.
This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.