original short fiction = 3871
original short fiction = 4172
That includes the rest of DDJJ2 ("Dix Dayton and the Miner from Mars"), "Dear Ones" (which is now going as "A Fine Warm Tale On A Winter's Night"), and "Hands On", as well as bits and pieces of other things. Technically June includes 296 words of Street Magic, which is a novel, but it's not developed enough yet to get its own wordcount file.
In addition, 601 words in July on the "beach house" follow-up to HoM. I don't normally include it in monthly totals (because it's a sprawly character self-indulgence, likely never to be publishable), but in this case it's worth noting because I finally figured out what I needed to get a key sequence moving (hint: Dad games).
Short story submissions:
June: 6
July: 2
Two of which were acceptances!
Queries sent (July): 2
The numbers are actually pretty decent! (Okay, more querying, but otherwise.) The numbers don't quite tell the whole story, though; there's a lot of not-writing in there, for all I've been kicking it with the short stories lately. For example, all of July's writing happened from the 6th to the 15th, and not a word since.
I've been writing to deadline and/or to spec so much lately (anthology calls, ficathons, etc.) that I don't quite know what to do with myself when there isn't a specific (and close) target in sight. I need to get back to a semi-steady writing habit, with at least some focus on longer things. So for August, I'm going to try booting up Green Ring again; as a little for-fun fantasy thing (albeit with asperations to be a novella), it should be a good bridge.
Also, more querying.
This entry was originally posted at
https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/225034.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.