I have written a 3600-word story in six days, 1600 of it yesterday. That is very nearly unprecedented for me -- despite the story fighting me every step of the way.
And despite my having referred to it as a "flaccid lump of story" at one point, I ended up with something I'm actually pretty happy with. My alpha reader laughed in the right places, which is always a good sign. The key seemed to be when the main character made a play on words and suddenly developed a rudimentary personality, which he'd been utterly refusing to do until that point. (This never happens to me.) And then the words I'd consciously crafted because they weren't coming any other way suddenly took on a different cast, and it all pretty much worked. So thanks, front-brain; it's not normally your job, but it's nice to know you're there to pick up the slack when the back-brain, I dunno, decides to skip off to Aruba or something. /*glares at back of own head*/
Dinner last night ended up being a hazelnut mocha and some Doritos, whilst hunched over the keyboard. I meant to eat something better, but sort of forgot. I got the story formatted and sent off with all of twenty minutes to spare, then stayed up another hour or two playing solitaire before I processed that I should just go to bed, dammit. Thus is the glamorous life of a writer.
This entry was originally posted at
https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/223104.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.