Well, *maybe* we're going to England....

May 09, 2019 23:33

We researched things to do. We compared flights. We picked dates. We committed to buying tickets, and we even picked our seats.

We spent three fucking hours on the British Airways website, while they asked creepy "security" questions pulled from who-knows-where to which they wouldn't accept the correct answers, and then finally they insisted something was wrong and wouldn't take our money or even let us start over (again).

Swiss Air keeps insisting we're a bot and making us do jigsaw-puzzle Captchas, and refusing to even start the booking process.

Yeah, everything's so much easier on-line. [/sarcasm] We have the name of a highly-recommended travel agent; assuming we can ever find out when they're open (because neither their website nor their voicemail divulges that secret), we'll see what they can do.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/202326.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

rant, trips

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