Not dead... but in need of a writing laptop

May 02, 2019 15:55

Oh, holy poo, has it really been that long since I last posted?

I'm not dead, I'm just chairing a con. ;-)

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I was at a presentation on time management for writers last night, and it turned out to be surprisingly useful, if tangentially so. She was talking about resistance to writing and the various reasons for it, and I thought about going upstairs to write when I got home... and I realized just how much I did not want to deal with the current writing laptop. It's functional, it's adequate to the task, but what with the external floppy drive and the various other issues, it's inconvenient in an annoying enough way that avoiding it becomes appealing. It is just not a happy machine. This is not an insurmountable wall, I recognize that, but it's high enough that what little energy I can summon up for writing these days is insufficient to get over it.

Nor is this the only thing keeping me from writing lately, not by a long shot. But unlike, say, the con eating my life, this should be a thing I can fix.

So, I'm calling for hardware again. I'm looking for old laptops, with all the basics in working order -- screen, keyboard, hard drive, and yes, internal 3.5" floppy drive. (A functional battery would be nice, but not absolutely necessary.) Any Windows operating system is fine (older versions actually preferred). If you have such a thing and would like to see it go to a home where it will be loved and used instead of collecting dust in your closet, let me know.

Goal is to have something happy-to-write-on by the end of this month.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

tech, block

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