
Mar 29, 2019 23:59

Our passports arrived today!

They are very solid and official-feeling and... well, just cool, actually. It makes me want to go places just so I can try mine out. ;-)

I have to admit, the whole process was surprisingly painless. And fast; it was only March 5th when we submitted the applications.

Amusingly, after all the fuss about how our birth certificates would be returned separately and it might be a few days longer, and my own concern about submitting mine, both our birth certificates arrived in the same mail delivery with the passports.

Now we just have to figure out flights and hotels and activities and...! But at least when we get it all sorted, we can go. This is very exciting!

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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