February Word Count

Mar 03, 2019 12:55

Okay, I didn't expect the writing numbers to be good this month; I pretty much gave myself permission to abandon writing entirely in order to get that non-writing project I keep alluding to done. Not a choice I'm happy about, but trying to do it all was only making me feel squashed to a grease-spot. So:

Haley novel: 2 words
original short fiction: -2 words

for a grand total new words in February of bugger-all. ;-\

I messed about with fanfic a little, but even if I counted that it wouldn't make that much difference. My brain and my time have been totally consumed by that non-writing project. Which, at least, is almost to the point where I can talk about it in public, and will go live Real Soon Now.

This does not mean I'm not annoyed about the state of the writing.

Querying was still supposed to happen this month: I sent 1, crossed off one agent, and set one agent aside for another book in a different genre. Sigh.

About another week should see the Sekrit Project up and running. And then I must get back to things writing: LST re-activated, and finish the bloody querying on HoM.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/198974.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, wordcounts, for my sins

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