Wait, the date is what?

Jan 01, 2019 23:04

Happy New Year! (How on earth did that happen?)

I ended up with a surprise week off from the Day Job, I think because my manager forgot to put me on the schedule. So I decided I would spend it querying Highway of Mirrors. Good plan. I also told myself, way back at the end of November, that I could take a month off from Lightning Strikes Twice, and dive back into it starting in January. Also a good plan.

I somehow failed to notice that these two chunks of calendar overlapped significantly.

I've decided to roll ahead with the querying. I'm making good progress, and it is something that I have so much difficulty getting myself to do, it would be silly to put a halt on it. So I can have at least one week of January for that, and at least three weeks for LST. (We'll see what happens to those few unassigned days in between.)

In other news, I reclaimed the old laptop that I had lent to the housemate, who never got around to using it. I'd frankly forgotten all about that machine. The floppy drive in it does not work, but the USB ports do -- and I've got a USB floppy drive. It's awkward and inconvenient using the external drive, but it does technically function as a designated writing laptop that I can keep by my bedside and haul around the house. I very definitely still need to acquire a new-to-me old laptop and/or get one of the dead ones repaired; the friend I got this machine from is not known for taking good care of his stuff, and the poor thing has really been through the wars. It's missing a couple of keys, and I had to wrap electrical tape around the exposed wires on the power cord; it's also had a couple of glitches that make me suspect a hard drive failure is in its future. But, for a temporary emergency stand-in, it's a darned sight better than nothing.

Of course, now that I finally have a writing laptop again, the urge to mess around with stories at night, which has been nagging at me like a junkie craving a fix, has almost entirely subsided. *headdesk* But I am at least sleeping better knowing I can have my late-night writing dose.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/194914.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, lightning strikes twice, hom, tech

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