NaNo Update, Day 27 -- above par!

Nov 27, 2018 19:48

I am caught up!!!

3063 words today, including one run of 1526 in one sitting. Which is huge for me. And that means 5511 words in the past two days, which is more than my standard quota for a month. Hot damn!

The flying ferrets helped, but it was really the banter between our heroes and the foreign agent that did it. I tend to think banter is horribly difficult for me, and often it is, but when it's going well, it's terrific.

And, I'm actually enjoying the writing, today and yesterday. After that 1526, I had to rush my shower, because I kept getting more words and had to get to the keyboard before I forgot them. That feeling when the words keep coming and coming and you can't get out of their way fast enough, y'know?

(I am above par for the first time since the 13th. That almost feels as good as winning. Yeah!)

I almost don't want to stop. I can keep going for another 5000 words (4400, really) and finish tonight, can't I? (And the answer is No, no I can't. My brain will explode. But I love that I'm tempted.)

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

lightning strikes twice, wordcounts, nano2018

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