Day 14. Bugger.

Nov 14, 2018 15:14

The car is back, to the tune of several hundred dollars. New radiator, and all the things that attach to it. On a Saturn, so $$$ parts and many hours of labor.

The furnace repair (surprise!) will probably cost not quite as much, but it may be close.

And I'm behind on my wordcount.

I took yesterday off. I was so tired that my head was spinning as if I was drunk and my balance was unreliable. It didn't prove to be the restful evening that I had hoped for, but I at least got a healthy meal and some time away from the novel. I feel worlds better, though I'm having a hell of a time getting started again today. (Didn't help that I spent the morning at the laundromat, because why wouldn't there be mildew in the coat closet when the temperature just dropped below freezing?) Taking a day off is fine, I'd planned on a couple during the month, but I'd intended to have a good bit of margin built up first. Instead, I was barely at par, which means I'm now a full day's words behind. And today's words just don't want to happen.

If I do just 2000 words a day, I can catch up in five days. That doesn't sound so bad, except that 1667 words isn't exactly happening with consistency, either.

Still, onward.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

nano2018, rl

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