May, June, and July Word Counts

Aug 01, 2018 22:44

I was supposed to be done before May. Then before MediaWest, then before the end of May. Then before the end of June. Then before the end of July.

I'm still not done with the book.

All new words were on Falling From Ground.

May = 4524
June = 4213
July = 2231

Which actually isn't bad, and much better than I expected. At least it took me a while to total it all up. The words per session weren't high, especially the last two months, but there were a lot of sessions. Less so for July, but, well, clusterfuck.

I need to finish the book.

One short story submission, in May.

Queries sent: 2 in May (and one agent crossed off), 3 in July.

For August: Finish. The. Book.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, wordcounts, falling from ground

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