It's always about asking the right question

Apr 25, 2018 11:24

MC and 3C have now caught up with bad-guy-contact and gotten the info they needed. It took me a certain amount of head-bashing to make this happen; I kept trying to figure out what the info would be, and getting nowhere.

Then I tried asking instead, where do they find bad-guy-contact? And I immediately had words, which lead to a scene, and the info came along naturally in the process of writing it.

Now I've got MC and 3C in the same place as SC. I don't precisely know what that place is, though I've set it up to be somewhere around the spaceport. I need to know exactly what SC's been up to (I have a general-category idea), and I still need to know what the Thing That Goes Wrong is. And I've got nothing.

This probably means I'm asking the wrong questions.

I wonder what the right one is.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

ffg, process, asking the right questions, plots are hard

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