I feel like a yo-yo

Apr 01, 2018 15:27

The new cat went to his new home Friday evening.

And today, we went and picked him up and brought him back.

Not his fault, I don't think; it sounds like he was a little fractious his first night there (crying, knocking things over), but nothing beyond the pale for a cat in a new place. Yes, he did take a swipe at her dog, but he also curled up and slept next to the dog. I think the human just wasn't ready for a new pet (she admits this herself), and took the first difficulty as a reason to bail. By the second day, it seems he'd mostly settled down, but by that point she'd already scheduled us to come and take him away. And I don't think she explained to him at all; he was still happily exploring the house when we scooped him up and stuffed him into the box, and I had to try to explain that that wasn't his forever home after all during the car ride home. I feel so bad for the little fellow -- rejected again!

I didn't even have time to finish the post about how much I missed him. Luckily, he's a remarkably chill cat, and seems to be settling back into his bathroom without too much trauma. But the next person we hand him over to had better really be ready to have him in their life.

This entry was originally posted at https://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/174353.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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