Tracfone, I really hate you.

Mar 12, 2018 10:52

So, as mentioned earlier, I have lost my cell phone. I finally girded my loins today and tried my last hope: calling Tracfone to see if they could turn it on remotely, so I could listen for the ring to try to track it. I'd been putting this off because I really doubted they could and didn't want to crush my last hope, and also because whether they could or not, I expected the process of dealing with Tracfone's customer support to be horrible.

I was right on both counts.

I had to go through three levels of support to get to someone who spoke English well enough to even understand the question. (No, I do not need to activate my service. No, I do not want you to deactivate my service!) The real kicker was the second tech, who said "Sure, we can do that for you!" only to turn out to be talking about activating a new phone, not turning on my existing one. I did not need my hopes raised like that only to be dashed again, thank you.

I especially loved the first tech, who asked me "What do you mean by remotely?" in a way that made it clear he didn't know that word in English. And the second tech who kept telling me "We don't have the phone here" as if I didn't know that. Asshole.

So, anyway, the practical upshot is, my phone cannot be turned on except by physically pressing the power button, and I can't do that because I can't find the phone. So I'm SOL.

My pay-as-you-go service expires in mid-May, at which time I will bite the bullet and get something else. But I will not be getting another Tracfone, because every single time I've had to call them for help, I've had to go through three levels of support to get someone who spoke English well enough to do their job.

It was always supposed to be a "burn" phone. If it doesn't turn up by May, time to burn it.

This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.


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