November Word Count

Dec 01, 2017 20:55

Green Ring = 465
Falling From Ground = 4637

Total new words in November = 5102

Woohoo! Goal achieved!

It's worth noting that that's with no single session over a thousand words, and only a couple over 500. Proving once again that it's not spectacular single pushes that matter, but rather getting in there and plugging along consistently.

Queries sent: 5

...and 19 agents researched and crossed off, for various reasons. That includes all the remaining ones I had bookmarked, and a couple from the fresh pull of the AAR database. Goal achieved, and with a little extra!

Stories subbed: 1 (the new one)

Dare I say it... goal achieved!

Yep, that's everything on the month's target list, done! That's the way to do it!

For December:

5000 words.

Dig into the AAR database. I don't think getting through it all by the end of the year is realistic -- there's more fresh meat in there than I was anticipating -- but I can make a dent.

If the new story comes back, send it to the next market on the list, which will be open by then.


This entry was originally posted at because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

queryitis, wordcounts, falling from ground, green ring

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