April Word Count

May 06, 2016 16:25

old-mission stories: 65
original short fiction*: 2976
Total new words in April: 3041

*which includes 555 words of the Cinderella-crossed-with-Snow-White-only-not-really novel that I'm not supposed to be working on yet. But when a beginning hands itself to you, you don't argue.

All of which makes it look like the writing's coming a bit easier lately, and it is. Still not up to the productivity or ease I'd prefer, but: I've started a new story (A-to-Z) that I've given myself permission to just have fun with, rather than struggling with the "railroad" story that I was beginning to hate; the fairytale princess opening rather demanded to be written (always nice when that happens); and I got something that feels like a functional beginning to "Adrian Blissfield and the Night Train to Munich" while on the train back from DC. (Now if I can just work on that one without having to travel to another state!)

short stories submitted: 3

No querying done; email's still in limbo, and so's the final-I-hope HoM revision. (Which was supposed to be done in March. Housemate has agreed that we tackle that next weekend at the absolute latest.)

May's goals:

- get HoM finished

- move the email search along. Yes, it's tedious, but it's not that bad.

- sub more. Even if it means getting some new stories brushed up and put into rotation.

Yeah, none of that's writing. But until I get some of that taken care of, I'm too much in limbo to really dig into anything major. Which is why it needs to get taken care of, now.

I'll keep plinking away, of course.

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/152807.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

hom, wordcounts, princess, adrian blissfield

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