I hate revising

Jul 15, 2015 14:28

Am revising the first couple chapters of Falling From Ground per feedback from the 4th Street Workshop. Primarily, I've moved the "big punch" scene from the end of Chapter 1 to about a third of the way in; both the people who liked the chapter overall and the people who didn't thought that bit could come earlier, and since I'd been tempted to put it earlier in the first place, that seems like a reasonable change. It made a heckuva chapter ender, but I think it'll grab more folks here, and some other things will be stronger for having it happen first. Once I get everything adjusted to accommodate the change, of course, and also fix the really screwed-up stuff that the workshop didn't see because it's in Chapter 2, and get the focus properly focused, and....

I hate revising. I particularly hate this revision, and I know why: I'm stopping each time not because I'm done with a particular bit, not because I've written a satisfactory number of words, but because my brain is full to overflowing and the story-so-far is turning to gibberish inside my head. Which means I'm walking away from each session feeling like the story is an incoherent mess and I've just been pushing text around in circles.

(Even if, in reality, it's getting better. I hope it's getting better. I'm at the point where I've had to give what I've got so far to the alpha-reader, to get a perspective check if I'm on the right track at all.)

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/141067.html because I got tired of dealing with whatever LiveJournal had broken this time. Comment whereever.

writing, falling from ground

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