They do know how to ramp up the tension, don't they?
YogurtWatch is updated.
So how cool is Sam? For all his goofiness and fondness for alcohol, not to mention the hints about a major screw-up or two in his past, they've always done a nice job of implying that he's good at the work. This time, they didn't just imply; he is a consummate professional in those interrogation scenes. Marvelous.
Loved watching Michael suddenly put on his game face in the middle of the argument with his mom. Like flipping a light switch, he went from the kind of raw wounds that only family can reopen, to smilingly untouchable. Did the training kick in automatically, triggered by losing his temper in the middle of an operation, however personal, or did he make the choice to play it that way?
I do think they should have let Fiona shoot the bad guys on the boat, rather than just pinning them down. The housemate theorized that perhaps doing so would make the remaining bad guys more reckless and harder to control. It's not a bad theory. It just seems to me that someone as canonically trigger-happy as Fiona would have gone for a more permanent form of limiting their movement.
"Spies hide guns like squirrels hide nuts...." Ghad, I love this show. It's gonna be a looooong wait until season 2. (Next summer? Aaagh!)