A rose by any other OMG

Jun 25, 2014 16:23

I've been hesitating a bit on starting Falling From Ground (the Mars colony spy novel), and one of the reasons has been trying to settle on the main character's name. I've liked and discarded several, and finally figured on going with the one that came with words attached to it. I figured that, like naming a pet, it would come to feel inevitable with use. But it's never fully established itself in my brain, and some of the discards still called to me.

I just now (in the shower, of course) realized why. And it's not a bug, it's a feature.

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/116147.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.

writing, falling from ground, process

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