old-mission stories: 59
original short fiction: 7
Haley novel: 7721
Total new words in March: 7787
Queries sent: 4
Quotas achieved! And then some, on the writing. The novel has reached that endgame portion where I have a constant refrain of "must finish book, must finish book" running in the back of my head. Which is not as helpful as you might think, since instead of useful words bubbling up in my brain I get "must finish book", but it does keep one focused. Word-count achieved by nice steady plodding; there were a couple of minor pushes in there, but nothing remarkable.
Querying wasn't quite on the seven-day schedule (on the 7th, 15th, 22nd, and 31st, to be precise), but it got done, and that's what counts.
I also sent 3 stories off during March, which gives me a total of 4 in various slush piles right now.
For April, another 5000 words. Which should get me pretty darned close to done; I'm on what I think is the penultimate chapter right now, though my ability to predict these things is known to be shaky.
The query-every-seven-days thing has been working well for me -- so well that I've used up my list of potential agents! So I'm taking a break from the seven-days routine; instead, April's query-related goal is to go through the AAR database by genre, and make a new list.
This entry was originally posted at
http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/111300.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.