I have a new favorite phrase in the English language...

Feb 21, 2014 21:06

...and it is "We would like to publish your story".

Yes, folks, I am delighted to announce that Daily Science Fiction has accepted "Off The Map" for publication!

My first sale. Like, for actual money. And getting to say I'm a published author (or will be, anyway, when it comes out). Wow.

(I have known about this for almost a month. But now the contract has arrived and been agreed to and sent back, so it's all official and stuff. And I get to Tell People!)

If there is a more beautiful way for an email to start than that, I don't know what it is. And I should know, given how many times I re-read it to make sure it really did say that.

Published author. Huh.

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/109122.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.

writer's lot, writey-biz

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