Happy New Year

Jan 01, 2014 20:30

Yep, calendar's turned again.

2013 was a pretty good year, all told. There were some rough spots, sure, but 2013 did not drop any major bombs on me in real-life terms. The cats are well. I tried some new things (construction contract, running), and generally they were good. I started getting back into the swing of DIY and other projects; nowhere near up to my old endurance levels, but a marked improvement.

And the writing's been going well. I won the ISFiC Writers Contest, which marks the first public recognition my writing has garnered. I got the much-stalled Haley novel moving again, with good prospects for getting it finished this time. I've been making progress on the wordcount and querying goals, and I've submitted some stories. Oh, yeah, and I finished a novel! I nearly forgot about ...And The Kitchen Sink; a year is a long time, y'know?

So yeah, all things considered it was a pretty good year. I could do with some more along those lines.

For 2014, I intend to finish the Haley novel. Between novels, or at other lag times, I should remember that prompt fic is a good thing. And other than that, keep on with the wordcounts, the querying, and the submitting.

Keep trying things. Keep writing. Keep learning.

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/102204.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.

haley novel, kitchen sink, writey-biz, rl

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