Target achieved, a little early

Nov 07, 2013 15:15

Starting Week 8 of the Couch-to-5K program today, which means jogging 28 minutes without walking.

Lovely bright sunny farking cold, wind like knives day for running today.

I've been very careful to stick to the prescribed regimen; doing too much too soon is a good way to really screw yourself up with this kind of challenge. But today I ran a little farther on the first half because I wanted a good marker for my turning-around point, and I usually go a bit faster on the way back anyway. And then I wanted to get back to the corner for my stopping point. Besides, this may well be my last run of the season. And it was right there.

So now I know I can jog for 30 minutes, because I've done it.

This doesn't mean I don't have to finish the program, although the weather may exercise its veto any day now. I'm still not doing anything like 5K, for all that I'm hitting the full time-counts; there's some mighty slow jogging in there. But if I have to shelve it for the winter, at least I can do so having hit my primary target.

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