I've been looking at the
Couch-to-5K program for a while. I've had good luck with incremental training programs before (I heartily recommend the
hundred push-ups program), but this one's first step is a doozy. And looking ahead, there's some big jumps in difficulty coming up. Can anyone recommend a beginning-running program that's a little more gradual? I do a fair bit of weights & calisthenics, so I'm not a complete slug, but I've got no cardio at all.
And their idea of "couch" is verrrrry different from mine. There's a lot of talk on the site about how you have to give beginning runners a workout they can handle without too much misery, because otherwise they won't keep at it, but the first day was an exercise in non-stop gasping, and we're not even going to discuss what my knees had to say about it. I'll admit that the later jog-sets seemed to go by quicker than the first ones, but I can't say it's something I'm entirely looking forward to doing again in a couple days.
On the other hand... maybe I am. Because I did manage to do it, whatever the difficulties. We'll see what my knees have to say about it tomorrow.
Either way, recommendations welcome.
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http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/91117.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.