Sugar Rushed

Jun 18, 2013 22:04

I finished the cookies for 4th Street Sunday. Well, Monday, technically, after a 10-hour overnight marathon. For my own future reference, total time (I tracked it this time) was 44.25 hours, of which 2.5 was making dough, 4.5 was making & baking cookies, and a whopping 37.25 hours was decorating. Photography is included in decorating time; I took pictures as I finished 'em, rather than saving it all up for a massive photo shoot at the end, which was definitely a good idea.

That was 3 batches of dough (about 2.5 batches of actual cookies, after the rejects were culled -- I had the damnedest time getting things out of the oven on cue this time), and 5 batches of icing.

I'm glad I did them this year, especially since I managed to finish up a few days before launch, but next year I've got to do something less time-intensive. Perhaps some nice simple chocolate chip cookies, and maybe a batch of my infamous blueberry cookies (which are tetchy, but at least not a massive time sink).

Now to see if my cunning packing scheme (sandwich baggies for do-it-yourself air packs, anyone?) will get them there in one piece. I don't hold out much hope for the unicorns, even with cardboard layering, but we'll see.

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food, cons, 4th street

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