Queryitis: Drug Resistant

May 16, 2013 19:25

I'm woefully behind on my query quota. By the end of this week, I should have queried at least three agents (more would be better, I've got a con coming up), and so far I've done... none. Not that I haven't been trying; last week, I crossed four potential agents off the list. So far tonight, I've eliminated two more. Reasons range from being closed to queries to a case of tact-impairment to just not sounding like a good fit for me.

This is important work that needs to be done, but it's not doing my quota or my general sense of productivity any good. I'm almost tempted to adjust my quota system; does five agents removed from consideration equate to one queried? But no; all the disqualified potential agents in the world won't get my book any closer to published. Only queries sent count. But I sure would like to find an available agent who I'm excited about working with.

I suspect that's how most agents feel about potential authors, too. Maybe the next one....

This entry was originally posted at http://lizvogel.dreamwidth.org/83299.html because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.


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