NaNo 2012: The End

Dec 03, 2012 14:27

Final, validated word count: 50,563

I wrote 28 out of the 30 days. I wrote at least "quota" (1667 words) 23 of those days. (One of the under-quota days was the last one; I already had enough words to "win", and there didn't seem much sense in pushing for the full quota only to risk the NaNo validator being overloaded late in the day.)

General impressions: It was an interesting experiment. I'm glad I did it. Whether I'll be doing it again depends on a host of factors, some of which I'll be analyzing here as the whim takes me. I learned some useful things, top among which is that I can write a heck of a lot more in one day than I thought I could if I just push past that first wall. There were some rough days in there, but on balance it was even kinda fun.

And I've got 50,563 words that didn't exist on October 31st. About 2/3 of a novel, which yes, I will be finishing. That ain't chicken feed.

wordcounts, nano2012

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