How many freakin' words per day?!?

Oct 25, 2012 19:36

So, I'm officially doing NaNoWriMo this year.

Let me state right now for the record that I don't expect to hit the full 50,000 word mark. If I manage even 25,000 words, I'm calling it a win; that's still more than double my best output since I started tracking. The goal here is to up my frustratingly-slow writing speed, not to set myself at the edge of a canyon and push myself in.

Usually when I start a story, at least an ultimately successful one, I've got a scenario, a few major characters, a couple of key scenes clear in my head, and at least a vague idea of how things end up. In this case, I've got the setting for the first scene, two character names, and a list of odd phrases and ideas collected randomly over the past few months. First phrase is the first scene, and every time I get stuck, I'll grab another thing off the list and throw it in. Could be wacky fun; could be utter nonsense. We shall see. Working title is ...And The Kitchen Sink.

I'm doing a few other things differently, too. I'll be using the "work" laptop instead of the elderly writing laptop (for portability purposes). I may even go so far as to write the thing in Word instead of Textra, my antique but beloved Word Processor of Preference. (Probably not in full manuscript format, however; all that white space... *shudder*.) Don't know why; it just seems right for this one.

I may, incidentally, fall off the internet even more than usual come November. I'm not going to have any margin to spare if I'm going to make a serious try at this, and I know what effect even touching the internet has on my general ability to get things done.

(WinAmp's psychic powers continue; after the below, it offered "Could Be Anything" by The Eames Era, and is now providing Genesis' "More Fool Me". Yes, thank you, electronic peanut gallery.)

kitchen sink, writing, nano2012

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