Post-con blithering

Jun 01, 2007 16:10

MediaWest*Con 27 was a good con. Not everything got done, but everything that anybody else could see did, and I'm not tellin' on the rest.

D's (no, the other D) "Ood, Where's My T.A.R.D.I.S.?" graphic looked grand on appropriately-blue shirts. Surprisingly few people got the "[Earth gate symbol] - mostly harmless" shirts, but I'm still pleased with them. I didn't think Hitchhiker's was that obscure a fandom; clearly, I am a dinosaur. Rawr. I spent Thursday evening finishing my primary sword in the hotel room; it came out pretty good, for being a rush job.

Our room location was... ironic. I chose to have a sense of humor about it; more need not be said.

Not only were both my panels scheduled for late Friday night, they were also shoved into the most obscure, hardest-to-find back-corner room. Oh well. I had an audience of three, count 'em, three, for most of the VCR maintenance panel, but at least they were enthusiastic and seemed to feel it was worth their time. The swords-vs-lightsabers panel was slightly better attended; it quickly disintegrated from an intellectual techniques discussion to whacking each other, but that was not entirely unexpected.

Attended several panels, which is several more than I usually manage. Only one had to be walked out on due to an overabundance of loud-voiced people who didn't know when to stop talking. Several were pretty cool, including the martial arts panel and the hands-on stage swordfighting demo.

I wrote the last two segments of "Campfire Tales", which will be posted momentarily. Whee!

Got in some quality hanging out with most of the people I look forward to seeing at this con. S & R both managed to pry free from their respective con-related duties a fair bit, which was particularly awesome. My clearest memories of the con all seem to involve restaurants.

For not making much of an effort to keep the room open, we managed to sell a decent amount of stuff. I at least covered the cost of next year's membership. More importantly, we took home less than we brought. Will probably turn the remainder over to the Orphan Zine Table next year.

Speaking of stuff, must remember to stick up a few posters in the room next year. We didn't sell any, but they made the room pleasantly fannish-festive.

Behaved myself in the art show, and still ended up with the first piece by a certain artist that I've ever been able to snag in 22 years at this con. And, because a certain person is a kind and generous friend, I also ended up with the other piece I was drooling over. (Yes, he's still looking at me -- and I'm not even in the same room with it!)

My traditional post-con day of lethargy has extended to the whole week, although Real Life gets some credit for that. I choose to take this as a mark of a particularly successful con.


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