Question: What are your fitness goals? What is helping or preventing you from accomplishing them?
Answer: I have it in my mind that I want to be an athlete. Of course I would never make it to the Olympics, but an athlete in my own right. I want to be able to run and to lift things. I’m pretty damn weak at the moment.
Helping me accomplish my goal is my BOOTCAMP sessions Mon, Wed and Fri mornings at 6am. I’ve completed 7 session thus far and my 8th would be tomorrow morning. It’s a 19 session, 6 week goal for me and I haven’t missed a class yet even though I could have used the extra couple of sleeping hours in the morning.
I also want to seriously start the
Couch-to-5K program again (next week) and I knew I wasn’t able to accomplish this if I continued to smoke. The Zyban is helping and today is my quit day. I had my last cigarette at 1:30 this morning before bed. I feel okay with the cravings. I take a HUGE deep breath and continue on. I’m not having any anxiety or have the feeling that I’m not going to be me any more if I don’t smoke.
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