Aug 26, 2005 08:41
I couldn't fall asleep last night. I was trying before 11 and I think it was almost 1 o'clock this morning when my body finally gave in. I woke up at 7:13 this morning, that's 13 minues after I was supposed to be at work.
I called in, rushed around, realized that my left arm was killing me (tetanus, polio and diphtheria shots yesterday) and I had also a nasty bruise on the inside of my left arm marking the attempt to draw blood (couldn't get squat from my arm). I told my doctor to try the top of my right hand, which she did but because my skin is a little tougher there, it effing hurt like a mutha going in and it's now a nice sized bruise.
Of course 'cause I was late, I had to get a cab to work which ran me about $17 of money I shouldn't be spending.
Oy! I shouldn't have even bothered to come in today.
you're lame!