Feb 06, 2006 14:48
i tried to post this as a reply in Ryans entry about the superbowl, but it wouldn't let me...
amen.. and man, could the refs have played a bigger part in the game? i hate it when they essentially decide who the winner is. i mean, the steelers played better but the seahawks were robbed with some calls.. like that touchdown where they said he pushed off the guy to get to it.. stupid.. no way, even steve young said at half time that it was a bad call...
and the commercials? there were only 3 good ones i think
1) the LOST "you might as well face it you're addicted to LOST" music video
2) the players practicing "i'm going to disneyworld" not exactly original but cute none the less
3) (maybe my favorite one) the magic beer fridge and the rotating wall
but, whatever happens they'll always have the highest ratings so i guess there's no pressure for perfection.