So what's been happening, well it's been a run of light bad news and great good news
Reading - bad news and good news
Bad news was : flight delayed (again)
Good news : got to Reading and had fun with people.
Then stayed up drinking red wine with Will and putting the world to rights until 4am
Will is lovely
Southampton - bad news and good news
Bad news : the band we wanted to play at the wedding have disbanded
Good News : Nic has a new gypsy jazz (think Django Reinhardt/Stefan Grapelli) outfit on the go who could do it if we decide it's the right thing
Make your own judgement at General
Bad news : ipod died - wouldn't charge or sync
Good news : the nice people at the Apple store on Regent street gave me a new one
Job hunt
Bad news : reorganisations and budget freezes made my top two opportunities disappear
Good news : a friend has a potential opportunity which I'll be investigating further next week
Bad news : missed Brussel beer festival as was in the UK
Good news : Went to Bruxellensis beer festival the following weekend which was excellent
Bad news : it's eating my time and I've become a trout slapping addict
Good news : lots of friends are on there and I can be frivolously nice to them more often than I could before
Hope you're all well and having fun