I'd rather be teabagged the John Waters way.

Mar 29, 2010 11:21

Below the cut, a college classmate's play-by-play Facebook rant about one of the recent "Tea Parties" (posted here so I can keep it; Facebook is too cluttered). I'm kind of glad I just read this rather than actually watching it; I do not have the sanity to spare.

OMFG. At Palin's tea party in Reed's district, a speaker claimed the teabaggers were the world's foremost CIVIL RIGHTS movement!

God, the hubris! God, the irony!

So dying for lack of treatment, that's fine. But low taxes, now THAT's a civil right!

Do words even mean anything anymore?

Never mind that some of these same people have opposed every piece of civil rights legislation they heard of. Or that their hero, Bush, GUTTED the Department of Justice and stopped almost all civil rights cases except for those against WHITES. Or that these same people have held up signs mocking Obama as a tribal African. This is just evil.

Martin Luther King, Sarah Palin. Same thing, right?

Wow. Just wow.

What UNIVERSE are they living in?

Because there isn't, like, a movement to stop genocide in the Congo or anything.

Separate drinking fountains. Lynching. Genocide. Female circumcision. Imprisonment of political dissidents. Being forced to maybe pay a few hundred bucks so that your neighbor's kid can get shots. All the same.

Nothing screams civil rights like crying "Lynch him!" about our first black President.

Because on his off hours, Ghandi loved mocking people with Parkinson's.

Civil rights? I thought you were campaigning to let poor people die. And middle-class people, when their insurance drops them once they actually, you know, get sick.

Nothing says civil rights like "fuck off and die... I've got mine, so fuck you." Except maybe "I think I've got mine," since God forbid they got sick and were retroactively dropped. Or then had to stay in the same job, afraid of being laid off, for literally decades, because once sick, no other insurer would take them.

Have to say it: there's nothing civil about the right these days.

Because Obama's spraying peaceful protesters with fire hoses. Because the KKK is killing people who even support the oppressed teabaggers. Because teabaggers used to be kept as slaves. Because teabaggers, when they even try to attend a college in the South, have their dormatories surrounded by screaming protesters. Because teabaggers live in ghettos, as second-class citizens. Because teabaggers used to be counted as 3/5th of a person. Because they wanted to vote for Sarah Palin, but they were turned away from the polls and beaten. Because they're charged a poll tax they can't afford. Because they're not allowed to marry. Because they're not allowed to serve openly in the military. Because they can't get into the hospital to visit their dying loved ones. Because they're disproportionately drafted and sent to Vietnam. Because their leaders have been imprisoned and assassinated. Because police unleash the dogs on them. Because they have to ride in the back of the bus. Because they're forced to pick cotton and impregnated by their slavemasters. Because they think this is a white nation and hate to see it change. Because they're too selfish to keep their fellow man from dying for lack of medicine. Because they're such bad Christians, despite their rhetoric. Because they think insurance reform is the end of the world. Because they love black site prisons where people are kept secretly without charges or trial but think insurance reform is taking away their freedoms.

I'm sorry. I know these people say they believe in something. I know they're upset. But this "movement" has become dangerously unhinged.

I know it's just one guy. It's just a 99/100 for flabbergasting. And seems really, really emblematic of a group that has no grasp of reality.

I am still SHOCKED at this.

Seriously, what's next? "I'm a PC, the new civil rights movement." "Amazon Kindle, the new civil rights movement." I mean, I know we're giving Arabic translators dishonorable discharges for being gay, but I've decided my right to own an SUV is a CIVIL RIGHTS movement.

things that make me go wtf?!?, fury, unoriginal rants, snark, people who suck, what the hell is this crap?, i hate america

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