Whoa, FINALLY these two new pages to finish up this chapter:
There's been a ton of real-life upheaval and distractions going on for me lately (don't worry, everything's okay), and I've been getting things ready for SPX, aaaand preparing myself for my first vacation in 3 years (yay beach!). Sacred Heart's not going away, I promise; my schedule's gonna calm down by the end of the month here and we'll be right back to updating regularly. I'm only like 150 pages away from finishing, exciting huh?
So SPX, the Small Press Expo, is September 15th and 16th, that's really soon! It's a really great year with like a million amazing cartoonists exhibiting, and the door fee is really really cheap, you should really come check it out. I'll be with my main buds Matt and Kevin Czapiewski at table F5 with more super-cheap minicomics than you can shake a stick at, and Kevin's debuting the anthology PUPPYTEETH 3, which is really beautiful and manages to top itself with every volume (and that yours truly happens to have a comic in). COME ON DOWN.
Okay, well take care of yourselves in the meantime, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming soon!