Oct 30, 2009 07:42
So the audit didnt kill me. I lost a lot of sleep, worked a week of 12+ hour days, and somehow it's taken a week for my throat to recover from the endless talking, but we survived. Everyone has been conditionally approved for the Signatory status (which is huge! Yay us) but we have to get our Response to the official Audit Report back before I leave for holiday. Once that has been approved we are rubber stamped and are officially Important People.
And speaking of leaving for my holiday.
I have not had a break ALL year and it's KILLING me. This last two weeks has been hellacious and the next two weeks cant possibly pass fast enough. I have Halloween Dragon eggs to tide me over. Danni is meeting Ian in Japan so I will be cat sitting and then I can pack and leave myself. So hopefully the time will pass faster than it has been!