a facebook meme I found out about on dooce.com. xposted here, of course.

Feb 18, 2009 19:45

1. What are your middle names?
My middle name is Neil, from O’Neil on my mom’s side. Andy’s middle name is Stephen.

2. How long have you been together?
Holy crap, we started dating in 2001. We got married in 2004.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A couple of months. I started working at the movie theatre and he was already working there.

4. Who asked whom out?
Andy asked me out. Although he wasn’t my first boyfriend, he was the first guy to ever ask for my phone number.

5. How old are each of you?
I’m 25. He explained to me last night that he’s practically 25, because he’s almost 24 and a half. I rolled my eyes.

6. Whose siblings do you see the most?
We probably see my brother the most, but his brother and sister also live in Peoria and we all hang out a lot.

7. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
My family. I come with some built in family drama and emotional baggage from that drama that worms its way into a lot of our relationship.

8. Did you go to the same school?
Nope. Andy went to the private Catholic high school. He would have gone to my same high school if he had gone to public school. We’re both attending the same community college right now, though.

9. Are you from the same home town?
Kind of. I was born in Texas, but my family moved here when I was 6. Even though I’ve lived the majority of my life up here, I still consider myself a Texan, especially with all this political drama in Illinois right now. Andy was born and raised here in Peoria.

10. Who is smarter?
I would say it’s a tie. Andy is far more logical than I am, and also more strategic. (He has almost an expert rating in chess, which is pretty ridic for a normal person, I think.) I am more book start than he is, though, mostly because I tried way too much in school all of my life.

11. Who is the most sensitive?
*raises hand*

12. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Probably at the local Mexican restaurants. Yum.

13. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Ha ha, only Texas. Neither of us have ever been out of the States. We plan to try to fix that soon.

14. Who has the craziest exes?
Me, by default.

15. Who has the worst temper?
I have a quicker temper. Andy doesn’t get mad often, so it’s scarier when it happens, though.

16. Who does the cooking?
Andy. I do the baking and the making of things that come in a box.

17. Who is the neat-freak?
I would say that I am the neater freak. Neither of us are really neat freaks, though.

18. Who is more stubborn?
I’m really not sure.

19. Who hogs the bed?
Neither of us, but I do hog the covers.

20. Who wakes up earlier?
Andy does. He gets up and feeds the animals before I get up in the morning.

21. Where was your first date?
The first place that we ever ate together after becoming a high school couple (aka going out) was Steak ‘n’ Shake. Before my birthday/congratulations party that he was throwing me, at which my gift was a professional massage. It was a pretty sweet date.

22. Who is more jealous?
I don’t think that either of us are particularly jealous.

23. How long did it take to get serious?
Well, we started dating in high school, which means we were a couple before we ever went on a date as a couple. Andy said that he was attracted to me the first time he met me, though. I was going through something at that particular time, so it took me a couple of months to see what a great guy he was in a romantic sense.

24. Who eats more?

25. Who does the laundry?
Me. Andy helps sometimes, but it’s tough to tell him in a particular load which things can go in the dryer and which can’t.

26. Who's better with the computer?
Andy is better at spreadsheets and stuff. I am a google master, though.

27. Who drives when you are together?
Andy does.
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