***moans***...I'm so miserable! Yesterday I felt wonderful except that I had a TERRIBLE sinus headache!!! THEN IT TURNED INTO A FULL BLOWN SINUS COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have completely lost my voice! and my nose is a veritable faucet!!! I have the most disgusting, mucousy cough and people are visibly afraid to be in the hotel elevator with me!!! WHY!?? WHY!?!?!?!
Last night I took some more of that tylonol medicine thinking it would help but I have a completely different condition now so all it did was freak me out because it was suppressing my coughs very well except I needed to be coughing to break up the mucous accumulating in my chest and it got harder and harder to breathe! I had to manually make myself cough to breathe last night!! I haven't had a cold this bad in six or seven years!
How does this fit in? I don't know......
You are WIND WISTLER! You are helpful, and kind,
and know all sorts of big words. You are the
Mary Poppins of my little ponies!
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