I just don't understand things sometimes.
My boss (and mentor, and champion, and friend, and partner in crime, and surrogate big sister) collapsed in the office yesterday. Sometime between the time her last email went out at 12:35 and our other officemate got back with lunch at 12:40, an aneurysm in her brain burst.
Complications developed over night as another clot traveled to her heart and caused a heart attack. Her blood pressure is too low and too unstable for them to do exploratory surgery, but they were able to run some sort of test that indicated that there was serious damage to her heart.
Her oldest daughter, who's just 24 and a newly-minted nurse and a newlywed, called a little while ago to give us the following update: There is indication that there is little to no brain function. Her blood pressure continues to decline. She said that the decision was up to her stepfather regarding whether or not and when to turn off switches.
Nan is 46 years old, and the fiestiest person I know. She is so proud of her three daugthers, the nurse, the 17-year-old fast-pitch phenom, and the 14-year-old spitfire who is just exactly like her mother. She wants to be there to see them grow up. I know she does. And I want that for them.
I started working for this company about 3 years ago, right before I was scheduled to start grad school. The assignment was only supposed to last a couple of weeks, but we got along so well and worked so well together that I was asked back for a third week, and then a fourth, and so on. She has encouraged me in my studies and acted as my protector from a boss who can be a bit unreasonable at times. She "held my hand" through a really terrible break-up last year and encouraged me to stop settling for losers and have better standards for my personal life. We've worked together, stressed together, obsessed over So You Think You Can Dance? and CSI: Miami together, gossiped together, argued over politics, and done an awful, awful lot of laughing. I have no idea what we're going to do without her, and sure wish we could get some sort of miracle from On High right now.
I am heartbroken for Nan and for her family.
I just don't understand things sometimes.