(no subject)

Nov 25, 2004 22:51

First Best Friend: Beth?
First car: will be a Jeep :) hopefuly a CJ....7?
First real kiss: um.. 'real' kiss... I don't really know if I would count any as a 'real' kiss
First real break-up: the 100 times that me and Matt broke up, which was a while ago
First screen name:  oh man, haha I don't know it was something that Sarah made up for me I think
First self purchased album: probably something like the backstreet boys
First funeral: Grampa' Duguay's.. I think
First pets: Dogs, I think. Woody and Sumo:)
First piercing/tattoo: would be my lovely ears
First credit card: noneeeee
First true love: haven't had a true love yet... : ) that would be nice
First enemy: who knows
First big trip: umm... Florida?
First music you remember: my mommie singin' that song to me


Last cigarette: disgusting, please kill me if you catch me smoking
Last car ride: today, comin' home from my aunt and uncles house
Last kiss: man, i don't know. long ass time ago haha
Last good cry: I'm not sure at all
Last book: haha the one I was supposed to read last summer for english h. yeah right
Last movie seen: the incredibles I believe
Last beverage drank: apple cider..mmm
Last food consumed:  tofurky...even more mmm haha
Last crush: a.l. and j.l.  
Last phone call: would be.....my mom?
Last time showered: last week? nah this morning
Last shoes worn: those cumfy clog earth shoes i wore todayyyyy
Last item bought: um...i don't buy anything anymore haha... a ticket to the game? lol if that counts
Last annoyance: the incredibly good looking jerk
Last time wanting to die: nevaaaaa haha
Last time scolded: scolded huh?

c u r r e n t
clothes: pajama pants, tank, and sweat shirt... nice n' cumfy
smell: my carmex
favorite artist: many..
desktop picture: umm some fall one I think
cd in player: it doesn't work :(

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: um.. addie?
hugged: someone in my family when I was saying bye to them all who knows
you imed: Andy

a r e | y o u
understanding: very much so
open-minded: deff.
arrogant: not sure what that means
interesting: if you say so, not very much i don't think
hungry: not at all, who is hungry on a thanksgiving night?
smart: umm. haha
moody: i don't think. sometimes i can be surprizingly
hardworking: I can be
organized: sometimes i do get organized... for a few days
healthy: very much so now : )
shy: not really anymore
attractive: I don't say that I am no
bored easily: not really
responsible: yes
obsessed: with..
angry: not at  all
sad: nope
disspointed: yeah
happy: very much so
hyper: not right now, but i am sometimes yea
trusting: i really think im much more trusting than anyone i know
talkative: i can be

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
slap: you!
look like: no one i hope
talk to offline: im not going to name everyone i talk with haha
talk to online: same as above

a n d o m
in the morning i am: thankful, and thoughtful
all i need is: love, and happiness : )
i dream about: e v e r y t h i n g

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: both gross, coke i guess
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall baby

r a n d o m
what do you notice first: on people?... normaly whether they're friendly or not, that's a big thing to me
last person you slow danced with: everyone knows that liz does not dance haha unless i'm being an idiot
who makes you laugh the most: everyone!
who makes you smile:  so many people : )
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: no one?

d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: no, if I want to talk with someone then why not just IM them?
save conversations: no
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: sometimes, yeah
wish you were younger: nah... well sometiems i guess
cry because someone said something to you: not too mcuh anymore, unless they mean something to me if they don't then i don't give a shit

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: ?
of hearts i have broken: none, i don't think
of girls i've kissed: ? if i kiss them it's just a friendly one, man people are dumb haha
of boys i've kissed:?
of continents i have lived in: 5
of cds i own: no clue at all
of scars on my body: i don't know scars are dumb and so am i ha

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
01. gold or silver: silver, don't care for gold
02. what was the last film you saw at the movies: Incredibles!!!
03. favorite cartoon/anime: ?
04. what did you have for breakfast this morning: home frys! mm
05. who would you love being locked in a room with: um you
06. could you live without your computer: deff. we could all live so much better without all this shit
07. would you color your hair: nope
08. could you ever get off the computer: why not
09. habla espanol: i suck at it, i don't even remember anything
10. how many people are on your buddy list: 200
11. drink alcohol: no, i don't
12. like watching sunrises or sunsets: love it : )
13. what hurts the most: a lot of things, unless you realize that everything happens for a reason and things are always wonderful because they are bound to happen.
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