(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 21:25

Skittles - M&Ms: Skittles
Blow Pop - Tootsie Pop: tootsie pop
Rich and Sad - Poor and Happy: poor and happy
Dr. Pepper - Coke: dr. pepper
Mt.Dew - Sprite: mt dew
BSB - Nsync: uhh..
Boys - Girls: boys
Strawberries - Peaches: strawberries
Watermelon - Pineapple: watermelon
Phone - Computer: phone.. I think
Home School - School: school!!!
Horses or Cows: horses
Day or Night: night, as long as I'm not alone
Fast Food - Home cooked meal: home cooked
Mommy - Daddy: they're both equally awesome
Light - Dark: middle?
Sweet - Sour: sour
Halloween - Christmas: christmas I think.. they're both neat in their own ways
Car - Truck: depends
Dumb - Dumber: dumb?
Dog - Cat: Dog
Bird - Fish: ahh
Books - Movies: movie?
Radio - Cds: radio... sometimes
Yahoo - AOL: neither...?
Jeans - Khakis: kakis
Silver - Gold: silver, if i had to choose
Tall - Short: whatever
Loud - Quiet: depends on mood
Summer - Winter: summer
Fall - Spring: fall
1 - 100: 1
Diary - Journal: journal
Write - Type: type
Pen - pencil: pencil
Milky ways - Snickers: ?
Curly - Straight: curly
Shower - Bath: shower
Body Wash - Soap: soap
Peanut Butter - Jelly: peanut butter
AIM - MSN: aim
Red - Blue: red
Love - Lust: Love
MTV - BET: mtv
Hot - Cold: cold
Heavy - Light: light
Up - down: up 
Messy - Clean: clean
Right - Left: left
Right - Wrong: wrong
Sleep - Awake: awake
McDonalds - Burgerking yuck..
Taco Bell - KFC: ah
Listen - talk: couldn't decide...listen? i duno
Nike - Adidas: neither.. okay.. nike?
Florida - Cali: florida. haven't been to the big c lol
Mall - Department stores: neither, they suck
Coffee - Tea: tea
Wal-Mart - Target: walmart
American Eagle - Abercrombie & Fitch: american eagle!!!
Math - History: math
Big Daddy - Waterboy: big daddy because I don't even remember one part of  waterboy
Prunes - Raisins: raisins?
Happy - Sad: happy
Scanners - Digital Cameras: digital camera
Private - Public schools: private ones are always better
Hamburgers - Hot dogs: tofu pups (fake hot dogs)
Oranges - Apples: apples
Sun - Moon: moon
Ketchup - Mustard: ketchup
Milky Pens - Gel Rollers: uhhh?
July - Febuary: july
Friday - Monday: friday
Sunny - Rainy: love both sometimes
Ping-Pong - Pool: i would have to say that i dont know
Shorts - Pants: ?
Blue or Green Eyes: both are awesome

really don't know why I do these things
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