Nov 23, 2006 13:55
It's NOT the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" damnit.
Doug and Ambriel invited me to Thanksgiving with them a couple months ago. It's Thanksgiving... and they think maybe they'll try to get ahold of me on Monday... maybe.
I'm not really bitter, since I don't really give a shit about the holiday "Thanksgiving" anyway... I'm just bummed out. Megan's coming to see me next weekend and I'm so excited about that I could jump right out of my skin. But then some space cockroach will walk around with a poorly fitted Liz-suit and try to steal Orion's belt... and that's not a way to spend the holiday, either.
Diana's going to come in tomorrow sometime and we're going to get all dolled up and go drinking. I haven't done that since... Kansas City. I'm looking forward to that, too. Here's to hoping it doesn't fall through.
It's a little ironic, I think, even if it is an alanis morissette ironic, that the one constant I can count on for holidays is that Nate calls me. It's always good to talk to him, but especially for those few minutes on holidays, it makes me feel good to be remembered.
So anyway, I guess I'm gonna head back to the cleaning of the house in anticipation of guests!coming and maybe if I'm ambitious, baking a bit.
They're showing all the StarWars movies back to back again on Cinemax. Makes for good background. I just vacuum during the "love scenes" and it's all good. I do loves my Ewan.
Happy Turkey and/or Tofurkey day to you all, and much love!