Jul 28, 2005 11:07
1. i live in an apartment
2. my favoirite color is green
3. i eat meat
4. i'm happy
5. i like listening to ryan adams
6. i'm 17 or older
7. i have a tattoo
8. i have piercings
9. i live in a big city
10. it's scorching hot outside
11. i love my job
12. i get paid over $500 a week
13. i have at least 3 siblings
14. i have more than one pet
15. i'm a vegetarian
16. i sleep with a teddy bear
17. i don't have my license
18. i've done coke
19. i've done ecstasy
20. i've been to new york
21. i currently have money in my wallet
22. i live with my parents
23. i'd rather chew gum than eat mints
24. i'm in high school
25. i smoke at least a pack of cigarettes a day
26. i love audrey hepburn
27. i want to watch breakfeast at tiffany's right now
28. i'm hungry
29. i don't like my name
30. i like hot topic
31. i only have one pair of jeans
32. i like wearing shorts
33. i work at a pizza place
34. i wish i was an animal
35. i like george w. bush
36. i can speak 2 or more languages fluently
37. i have been to europe
38. i have a middle name
39. i have a younger sibling
40. i'm japanese
41. i like sports
42. i have black hair
43. i'm 5'5" or taller
44. i'm 5'4" or shorter
45. i'm a morning person
46. i like onions
47. i'm an alcoholic
48. i want bigger boobs
49. i like coffee
50. i want to go back to bed
51. i know who our 17th president was
52. i'm a republican
53. i helped out on the bush campaign
54. i go to church every sunday
55. i live by myself
56. i love photography
57. i like raisins
58. one of my parents is a doctor
59. i wear a size 9 shoe or bigger
60. my boyfriend lives 5 minutes or less from me